The Zionist Coup In The Vatican
How International Zionism seized the Vatican and Catholicism during the House of Rothschild's Bankster instigated Marxist cultural revolution. The second Vatican Council lasted from 1962 to 1965 and ostensibly changed the course of the Roman Catholic Church. • Note the significance of this video is first apparent 25 minutes into the video where evidence is presented that both John XXIII and Paul VI, both the pope who called the council and the one who closed it, were elected in fraudulent conclaves both of which had initially elected two different cardinals to become popes, but through the outside intervention from at least the B'nai B'rith (Jewish Freemasonry), these two were instead elected, thus evidencing the usurpation of the Papacy by Talmudists. • The obvious significance of this information, should it be true, is staggering. • There's a collateral angle to this video relating to known anti-Jesuit activist, Craig Oxley, also known as The Unhived Mind, formerly associated with Eric Jon Phelps. As I presented this video at his forum website's Ask The Unhived Mind section for his opinion on the information in it, Oxley completely avoided addressing the information presented in it, instead making aggressive unrelated and to some extent even irrational accusations, while simultaneously clouding the issue in a wall of words . • The Unhived Mind discussion: [archived version, forum has since been deleted] • The article jews control the jesuits by Luis T. - [archived version, blog has since been deleted] • Help us caption translate this video! •