Tokoyamis new moveDark fallen angel
Yo!... • What is up duds, KING-SANI1120 ART here!... • Copyright Background music video: • • Boku no Hero Academia: YOU SAY RUN ||... • Instagram: • • When it comes 2 art i really enjoy seeing other peoples work!!! • Why...!! you mey ask!!!... • well everybody is diffrent and when it comes to art its the same reason!!!! the end resoult is diffrent way, collering, shaiding, skatching, postion, materials... and meany more!! at the end i just want to say everybody does it diffrent and thats why people are special ^^ • *Well Thats all of my time, make sure to slap that LIKE button, and if you are now on my channel go smash that SUBSCRIBE button and i will see you all duds next time!... • Have a nice day! ^^ • I will see you all on the next video!!! ^^