TwoKinds A Webcomic Review
HATERS BRING ON THE FURRY HATE, I'M READY AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!!!!!!!!....... • Ok, now that done with. I know it's nothing pony related or, hell anything that is too popular. but I really wanted to review this comic and share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy this review, and leave a comment on what you thought of the review, or if you have read this comic, if you agree or disagree with my opinion... as long as you are opened minded. • • TwoKinds comic: • All other images I found from Google Images and from the creators deviant art, which you can find a link to on the comics website. • I do not own TwoKinds what so ever. I use strips from the comic to help with my analysis, so I am protected under fair use.