MAESTRO I Dont Care PlutOH Remix
DL While you can!: / i-dont-care-b-franklin-remixmiestro-orig • -Plut-OH • Find me on Spotify, Apple music, and your other favorite streaming services. • • First and foremost, check out MAESTRO @ / maestroharrell • This is a remix (more like a re-imagined version with some FutureBass inspiration) I did after seeing the offer to remix it on Splice. Enjoy! Subscribe • FAQ: What program do you use? • A: Ableton Live • Why isn't it on Spotify/Soundcloud/other? • A: I do a lot of remixes and Copyright hammer comes down swift and hard on those platforms. Here, they just take my money and leave my music alone. Fine with me. • How can I download it? • A: Link will be provided in the description. If the link is down, contact [email protected] and I can send you a copy to your email. • Can you do a remix to (insert song)? • A: I can try, I need a song that I can strip vocals from and that inspires me to create. That doesn't happen that often from requests but ask away! I might just dig the record you're suggesting. • Why is your website down? • A: Websites cost money to maintain and sometimes I forget to pay it or just can't :( Feel free to donate to my cause! I use my donations to keep the site up (and for dope... No, not dope). • Can I use this song for my video? • A: Depending on the project, but generally I say yes. I love to see my music spread so if you have something in mind let me know! Credit me in the description, of course, but ask first or I'll be forced to swing the copyright claim. • Any further questions? Send an email or comment. I'm pretty good about commenting back!