How Long Should You Diffuse Essential Oils Top Diffusing Tips
How Long Should You Diffuse Essential Oils? + Top Diffusing Tips | Top 15 Essential Oil Questions | Video 6 • Learn more about Plant Therapy Essential Oils: • This video will discuss everything you need to know when diffusing essential oils. This video is number six in our series of top essential oil questions, so be sure to check out the rest of our videos for more info. • BENEFITS OF DIFFUSING • Diffusing essential oils is one of the most effective, ways to get all the benefits of essential oils. Diffusing can help you boost your mood, feel more energized, reduce worry, help you sleep, let you focus, help you unwind and tons more benefits. You might even just diffuse to get rid of stinky smells! Plus, unlike over-the-counter meds, you can diffuse essential oils at night, throughout the night, to keep giving your body the benefits of their goodness. • HOW LONG SHOULD YOU DIFFUSE ESSENTIAL OILS? • How long should you diffuse essential oils? Well that depends. If trying to clean the air, diffuse for a few hours. If looking to boost mood, or help with immediate symptoms of a cold, set diffuser on an intermittent setting like 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off. This is all the time your body needs to get the benefits of breathing in the diffused oils! • It goes without saying, but always use your diffuser the way it was meant to be used. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer! The number of drops you need depends on how much water the unit holds. So, a bigger tank equals more drops (at least most of the time). • When you’re diffusing all day or all night, it’s best to use a diffuser on an intermittent setting. Try to do 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off, that way you get all the benefits without overwhelming the body, or getting “scent blindness.” • HOW TO STAY SAFE WHEN DIFFUSING ESSENTIAL OILS • So what exactly is “scent blindness?” Well, essential oils stimulate your olfactory nerves, which sends signals to your brain, which is why oils can affect your mood almost instantly (for more info on this be sure to check out video number 3!) • But that instant effect means that diffusing for long periods of time is a waste of oils. Basically after about 60 minutes, your nose goes into what we call scent blindness, which means you might not even be able to smell them anymore. What a waste! • WHAT THINGS CAN IMPACT YOUR DIFFUSING TIME/HOW LONG DO ESSENTIAL OILS LAST IN A DIFFUSER? • It’s also important to note that there are some things that can impact your diffusion times. Large open floor plans, or open doors mean you might need a few extra drops. Fans, air conditioning or heaters can negatively impact scents. Basically, just be aware of your environment when you’re looking to diffuse at home! • Also, keep in mind that some oils will evaporate faster than others. There are three main kinds of scents: Top notes, middle notes and base notes. • Top notes (like citrus) evaporate more quickly than middle notes like Lavender or Chamomile. And base notes like Sandalwood take much longer, and slow down the evaporation of the middle notes. • So pro tip: If you’re creating your own blends, be sure to use oils from each category! • Thanks for watching, and learning all about diffusion! Be sure to check out our next video in this series, and go watch the previous ones too! • | Stay Connected with Plant Therapy | • Plant Therapy► • PT Perqs Rewards Program► • DIY Printable Downloads► • Plant Therapy Blog ► • Facebook ► • Twitter ► • Instagram ► • Pinterest ►