How these Eye Exercises HEALED my Myopia in just 2 MONTHS Bates Method


The Program I Used to do Eye Exercises to cure my Myopia • • If you want to Read Without Glasses or suffer from Presbyopia • • Link to my blog: • • I cured my vision without glasses just doing this daily. They are very powerful despite being very simple at first glance. • I didn't want to appear like Harry Poter. • In just 8 weeks I cured my myopia. Left was -0.5, right was -0.75. • Doctor told me to wear glasses. I thought there has to be another way to solve this. And the answer was William Bates. I used his method. • The most important thing is to do the routine every day. And I am sure you will see the results. Most of us are lazy. They just want everything quick. Just take your time and follow the routine. • Leave a comment or press the like button to make other videos that can help you with your vision problems. • (if you like it, push the like button, and leave the comment) • See more videos: • 1. Swinging (Open Eyes) • Purpose1. To develop and regain the natural, easy movement of your eyes. 2. To relax your eyes and your upper body. • Do it 100 times for 4 - 5 minutes • With your knees relaxed and slightly bent, stand with your legs a little wider than your shoulder-width apart. • Begin swinging your body from side to side, keeping your spine straight. Swing, don't sway. • 2. Near-To-Far Shifting • Purpose1. To regain flexibility in the muscles that control the movements of your eyes.2. To improve eye coordination so that your eyes follow the focusing directions from your mind. 3. To develop a balanced use of your eyes.4. To increase your peripheral awareness. • First, you have to choose your target. For example in this video, the target is the peak of one distant mountain. • Then Focus on your thumb and count till ten then shift the focus to the target and count to ten as well. • Do it so 15 times with your left eye, then 15 times with your right eye and then 20 times with your both eyes. • Make sure that your focus goes all the way to the target and rests on the target for a brief moment before you shift your vision back again. • When your focus is on your finger in the foreground, you'll see two images of the distant target. • And when your focus is on the distant target, you'll see two images of your thumb. • 3. Palming • Purpose: To relax tired or strained eyes and restore peace and quiet to your mind. • PALMING is an excellent exercise to relax your eyes and soothe your mind. • Place your cupped palms over your closed eyes. The fingers of each hand should overlap and rest on the center of your forehead. • Do it 3-4 times for 2 minutes each • 1). Briskly rub your hands and palms together until they feel warm (15 - 20 seconds). • 2). Place your cupped palms over your closed eyes. The fingers of each hand should overlap and rest on the center of your forehead. • 3). Make sure there is no contact between your palms and your closed eyelids. Also, make sure there is enough room between your palms (as they cup your eyes) so that you can breathe easily. Don't create any unnecessary pressure on your face. If your arms get tired, palm resting your elbows on your thighs or on a table. • 4. Head Rolls • PurposeTo relax your neck, head and face muscles and reduce shoulder tension. • HEAD ROLLS help to relax your neck and shoulders - two areas that can block clear vision. Remember to gently rotate your head and not to force any movements. • Do it 6 times (in each direction) 2 minutes each • 5. Solarization of your eyes (closed eyes) • The purpose is to relax your eyes and ease the tension. • To give a strong stimulation and feeling of comfort to your eyes. • Exercise: Roll the ball of the sun on your closed eyes slowly like in a video. • Do it 3 times for 2 min each time • Observation: Do this exercise when the sun is not very powerful. • The best results do it From 8-11 am in the morning and 5-8pm in the evening. •    / mrhealthychannel   •    • How these Eye Exercises HEALED my Myo...   •    • Video  


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