1923 Trotsky The New Course SAC
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tL-wkFL2TSI
Welcome to another human-read audiobook by the United Marxist Pact discord server, link below in the description. In this series, we continue our investigation into the initial construction, the organizational structure, and the principles and tactics of the form of worker organization capable of seizing political power and establishing the Revolutionary Proletarian Dictatorship and Communality which can in turn produce the Communist Mode of Production through the shared class interests of the workers of the entire world. Our goal is to compile, analyze and elaborate on what all of these texts have to say about this, and at the end have a strong understanding of the exact, scientific process of this, particularly in general terms. At the end of our readings as a whole, we will try to put it all together and present it as a coherent whole in an educational video with associated notations. • NOTE: This audiobook recording does NOT include Chapters 6 and 7 of this text! • Today's reading will be [1923 - Trotsky, The New Course][https://www.marxists.org/archive/trot...]. This video includes a prewritten textual analysis on the terms of the aforementioned topics, which is also posted in the pinned comment if you prefer to read it in text, or follow the link in the description to a Read Only version of my Google Doc's notes. This will summarize the contents of the text, but is no replacement for the actual reading itself for the sake of understanding the context- I am reading these specifically and only for the pertinent content, and am not including items that are not of interest for most conditions that are related to the topic at hand, but only historically (e.g. the Peasant question). In addition, in the reading, I supply my own commentary- critiques, additions, etc. which may be helpful for understanding some particularities. • United Marxist Pact Discord server link: https://disboard.org/server/898568341... • Read Only Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D...