Deus II For Beginners Sensitivity Reactivity Discrimination and Silencer Lesson 3


Check out the Lesson 3 designed for all you XP Deus II Beginners. I have the new XP DEUS II and I've been doing a lot testing with it but I wanted to create a few simple how-to videos to help folks who are new to the Deus II get up and running quickly without wasting a lot time 2nd guessing the settings etc. The Deus II works really well out of the box so why mess around too much with it? If you take the time and learn theses simple things I'm going to show you in the next few videos, you will enjoy using the Deus II as much as I have. Its turning out to be an amazing machine and I think folks like yourself are really going to like it. In Lesson 3, I'll go over the 3 most important settings that exist in the D2 (IMO) and how to find them in the menu system. Plus, I'll show you where to find Sensitivity and how to change it. These videos are very simple because I don't want you to over think what you are doing. The Deus II is a very powerful metal detector and if you jump into all the advanced settings you will become frustrated and probably end up hating the machine. Take is slow for the first couple of weeks. • Other Lessons: • Lesson 1: How to Power Up, Change Audio Volume and Select a Search Program.    • Deus II For Beginners: How to Power U...   • Lesson 2: How-to Ground Balance, Pinpoint, and Use Frequency Scan    • Deus II For Beginners: How-to Ground ...   • Want to see what's in the XP Deus II box? Check out my unboxing video    • The XP DEUS II Has Arrived! Unboxing ...   • I need to thank Fort Bedford Metal Detectors for getting the XP Deus II into my hands as quick as they could. If you are looking for a metal detector, search coil, piece of gear etc., give them a chance to earn your business. You can find them online or give them a call 814-215-1732 and tell them the Mental Metal Channel sent you. • For Mental Metal Merch please check out my NEW store. Anything purchased helps this channel out so please pick up some Mental Metal Nation swag and support the channel. Thanks if you do! and its ok if you don't. Metal Detecting Apparel and More can be found here • Check out for metal detecting reviews on equipment, metal detectors and more. I also test out new gear and metal detectors and provide you everything you need to know before you make that big purchase. • Please don't forget to Like, Share, my videos, subscribe to this channel AND join me on PATREON • Patreon Link:   / mentalmetaldetecting   • Please don't forget to Like, Share, my videos and *PLEASE* Subscribe to this channel! • For Correspondence send mail to: • The Mental Metal Channel • PO Box 19 • New Windsor, MD 21776 • Thank You! • The Mental Metal Channel • Mental Metal Detecting is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Mental Metal Detecting also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, ShareASale, and other sites. Mental Metal Detecting is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.


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