Weber EU Conservative EPP Leader warns about FarRight ahead of 2024 Election
28.11.2023 | Manfred Weber, the head of the European People's Party, said the #EU needs to control #immigration if it doesn't want the #farright in control of #Europe. • Weber used the win by far-right nationalist Geert #Wilders in #Dutch elections as an example in mid-November 2023 as his example. Wilders and his far-right, anti-Islam #PVV party are celebrating victory after a #campaign dominated by the cost-of-living crisis, the lack of affordable housing and an increase in #asylumseekers. • In the first 10 months of 2023, the EU saw over 330,000 irregular border crossings, the most since 2015. The the global count in September 2023 was 114 million people were displaced from their homes - because of climate change, economic turmoil and armed conflict. Weber said that European #voters see the problems but don’t see political solutions. • While some #voters look for alternatives in right and far-right parties, one missed opportunity might be as easy as how immigration is being talked about. A study found that people who believe that Germany was made better by the presence of immigrants have an 80 % lower chance of voting for the AfD than people who don't. People who are worried about immigration were nearly 5 times as likely to support the far-right. • Can talking about migration in a different way change how people vote? • • #EPP #CSU #CDU #AFD #PVV #Wilders #PlatformaObywatelska #PO #TUSK #Weber #Immigration #EU #DW #Politico #EuroNews #study #explainer #migration #IDP #DPS #Belgium #finland #Kansallinen #Kokoomus #war #Kremlin #hybridwar #explainern #summary #news • •