Ueli Steck in Les Drus quotNorth Couloir Directquot VI Al 6 M8
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tT3hyLvYNNo
Last winter, we were with Ueli Steck, Mathieu Maynadier and Jérôme Para in Les Drus - North Couloir Direct (VI, Al 6+, M8, 800m). In location like Les Drus, with the camera of Bertrand Delapierre, you are guaranteed to get a lot of excellent alpine climbing footage. And as a filmmaker, it's a always frustrating to only use a few seconds of footage from such a great shoot. That's why we're releasing this series of rough cuts. Turn up the volume, relax, and enjoy some beautiful climbs. • • Film directed by Guillaume Broust • / guillaume_broust • / guillaumebroust • Camera work by Bertrand Delapierre • / bdelapierre • Music • Zikali - Lost in Fog (http://www.zikali.com) • • © Petzl 2016 • http://www.petzl.com