Mum Destroys XP with MEMZ Bonzi Buddy and SpySheriff OSFirstTimer Advanced 11


THIS MUM IS EVIL!!! SHE IS A TOTAL COMPUTER DESTROYER AND A VIRUS SPREADER, BURN HER, BURN HER!!! • Ok now with that clickbaitish first part of the description out of the way, we can move on to the real description ;) Basically a lot of you guys were disappointed during the windows 2000 destruction video because Diana didn't use bonzi buddy and had trouble destroying it with viruses (she couldn't find any). • Well this time around, she is locked and loaded and ready to totally kick the ass of windows XP by launching some known and famous malware at it! Here are links to info on the digital criminals in action: • MEMZ: • Bonzi Buddy: • SpySheriff: • If you haven't already be sure join in on an OSFirstTimer Weekly chat. You can watch the first two chat episodes here: • Chat 1:    • Video   • Chat 2:    • Video   • Chat 3:    • Video   • Be sure to keep an eye out on YouTube Millionaire for information about the patreon coming soon that allows you to choose operating systems and advanced tasks for OSFirstTimer. Here's a link to the monthly YouTube Millionaire series:    / @youtubemillionaire   • OSFirstTimer Advanced ditches the original 5 basic tasks and introduces a new random advanced task each episode. The task can involve literally anything from video editing to 3d modeling to programming and even attempting to destroy an operating system. • Random tasks using random software in random operating systems from random time periods... now this will be a lot more interesting! Don't worry though as we may occasionally go back to our roots and do a few original series episodes. • I hope you guys enjoy this episode and look forward to whatever crazy task we do next episode on OSFirstTimer Advanced.


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