Clone Wars FRIENDS intro
In Today's Star Wars Lore Episode, we examine how Star Wars Legends and the Expanded Universe treated the Clone Wars before Episode II explained what the Clone Wars actually were! As you may know, in Star Wars: A New Hope, Luke asks Obi-Wan: You fought in the Clone Wars? We dig deep into some old Star Wars books, and some Star Wars comic books, to see how they treated that line - what they got right and wrong. We pay extra close attention to the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn, as it deals regularly with Clones, and explicitly mentions the Clone Wars. • Thanks to Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo, who provided some insight into the question. Read our exchange here: / 913044788563165184 • If you want to support the channel, follow me on Twitter: / eckhartslader • Consider supporting me on Patreon: / eckhartsladder • Join the (superfun!) Discord: / discord • Music: • HOME - All at Once • HOME - Resonance