Coconut Oil Natures Protection Against Pathogens
For the information referred to in this presentation, go here: • • Monolaurin, also known as glycerol monolaurate, is a monoglyceride composed of lauric acid, a fatty acid found abundantly in coconut oil. Its unique molecular structure and antimicrobial properties have sparked interest in the scientific community. Studies suggest that Monolaurin exhibits antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities, making it a promising natural remedy for various health concerns. • Amazingly, monolaurin/lauric acid is known, for example, to bring HIV viral load down to a level that is noncommunicable. Why don't we all know about this? • How about preventing shingles without a shingles shot? • Treating all of the herpes viruses, strep throat, clostridium deficile, and SARS? • In addition, coconut oil is excellent as a support for thyroid health, diabetes, and weight loss. • Tune in and learn more!