CS2 Donk SETUP amp SETTINGS Game Monitor Nvidia Setup
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tYMmRlLO3Qs
Donk CS2 Settings - in this video I will show you a new donk cs2 settings: video, audio, devices, config, nvidia control panel settings. Donk's like the ultimate beast in the game, hands down. His stats blow the minds of everyone keeping up with him. The way he plays just doesn't compute, you know? Maybe he's pulling off some secret settings? We're about to find out, real soon! • • Viewmodel: viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 3; • Crosshair: CSGO-jU4eP-8wSj8-EZVsB-HcJZs-iyNQC • • 🔻Follow Me🔻 • 🐦Twitter: / cs2_kid • 🏰 Tik Tok: / cs.kid • 💎 Trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer... • 💲PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... • • 🔎 Tags 🔍 • donk cs2 settings,donk cs2 settings crosshair,donk cs2 video settings,best cs2 settings donk,donk shows cs2 settings,cs2 donk nvidia settings,donk cs2 audio settings,donk new cs2 settings,donk cs2 mouse settings,donk cs2 console settings,donk settings cs2 2023,donk csgo settings cs2,cs2 settings,donk cs2 graphics settings,cs 2 video setting,donk cs2 nvidia settings,cs:kid,cs kid,cskid,donk new settings 2023,donk,donk highlights • #counterstrike #cs2 #cs2settings #cskid #donk