How to Grout terracotta Saltillo tile installation day 5
Today we are grouting our installed saltillo terracotta tiles. We just finished putting them in and completing all the cuts and prep work. • We prefer to make the grout a little more runny than usual so that the grout can fit in between any open space due to the irregular shape of saltillos. Some a little more taco shaped and some tiles are pillow shaped. • We used a taupe colored grout and a float to mash the grout into all the cracks and crevices. When grouting, a quick tip, make sure you use the float to reeally mash in the grout otherwise you will have cracking and crumbly grout as time goes on and when it dries. • • Stay tuned to see the final product and prepare for day 6 where we will be finishing up the grout and stripping the existing saltillo tile floor. • Subscribe and stay informed! • Check out our blog here: • http://www.californiatilerestoration....