Landsknechts Germanys mercenary fashion icons
Support me on Patreon: / lindybeige • More videos here: • Archaeology • I attended a few days of 'medieval week' in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. In the market, I met a couple dressed in Renaissance German attire, and interviewed them. Medieval week in Visby covers a wide date range from the early medieval to the Renaissance, and there were quite a few re-enactors there in Landsnecht kit. They even had their own parade, although I wasn't there when that happened. • We talked about how the clothes were a vulgar display of wealth, about storing wine in codpieces, and the surprising durability of slashed (woollen) cloth. • Meanwhile, everyone in Hollywood historical movies continues to wear brown. • N.B. It has been pointed out to me that in this video I use a pronunciation of the word 'Landsknechts' that falls below the standard expected of me. This is an Anglicised version of the word, and for that I feel no shame, but the central S should apparently be spoken with a clean S sound as in 'soup spoon', and not a soft SH sound as in 'sugar'. My apologies to any viewers who are stricken by the sheer awfulness of it all. • Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make. • ▼ Follow me... • Twitter: / lindybeige I may have some drivel to contribute to the Twittersphere, plus you get notice of uploads. • Facebook: / lindybeige (it's a 'page' and now seems to be at least partially working). • Google+: • website: • Landsknechts - Germany's mercenary fashion icons • / user Lindybeige

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