RFK Jr As US Secretary of Health and Human Services

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tbA9XLSmhGg

Clarifications From The Video: • The graph is from an article published by Khan, Freeman Druet. • I mentioned a 200% increase, correction is that there was a 136% increase. • https://www.komodohealth.com/hubfs/20... • The other photo shared was from this article: • https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.10... • In the video, I discuss Trump’s latest appointee to the presidential cabinet, Robert F Kennedy Jr. He is expected to fill the role as US Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is already sending shockwaves through the nation as people from both sides of the political aisle weigh in. • #robertfkennedyjr #rfkjr #trumpcabinet #healthandhumanservices #hhs #secretary #presidentialelection #presidentelect #speechtherapy


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