Nature vs Nurture Behaviorism or Genetics
Is our personality shaped by the environment, or are we largely programmed genetically? No one can answer whether nature or nurture leads to certain traits in individuals. We do know, however, a bit about the influences of genes and the environment when it comes to groups of specific populations — especially when we talk about us humans. Our understanding of little asexual crayfish seems rather limited. • SUPPORT us to learn more about what makes us who we are! • / sprouts 🐦: • DOWNLOAD video without ads and background music 🤫: • • SIGN UP to our mailing list and never miss a new video from us 🔔: • • SOURCES and teaching resources 🎓: • • VISIT our website : • • CONTRIBUTE by upvoting your favorite topic or suggesting new ones : • • THANKS to our patrons • This video was made with the support of our Patrons: Andrea Basilio Rava, Angela, Ann Hufstader, ArkiTechy, Artur, Badrah, best4all pez, Brilliant Minds Learning, C, Cedric.Wang, Daniel Kramer, Denis Kraus, Digital INnov8ors, Dr. Matthias Müller-Mellin, Duane Bemister, Esther Chiang, Eva Marie Koblin, Floris Devreese, Frari63, Gatsby Dkdc, Ginger, ICH KANN DEUTSCH UND ES WAR EINFACH!, Jana Heinze, Jannes Kroon, Jeffrey Cassianna, Joanne Doyle, Johan Klassen, John Burghardt, Jonathan Schwarz, Jorge Luis Mejia Velazquez, Juliet Hutchings, L Efre, Leonel, Liskaya, Marcel, Marco VanGuff, María, Marq Short, Mathis Nu, Matthias Ruck, Mezes.Macko, MiyuPON!!, Muhammad Humayun, Nicki, Okan Elibol, Paul Hopkins, Peter Bishop, Petra, Raymond Fujioka, Robert Cook, scripz, Si, Stefan Gros, Stephen, Stephen Clark, Stuart Bishop, Susan Schuster, Tetiana Gerasymova, Tristan Scifo, Victor Paweletz, Wolfgang Vullhorst, Yohanan Schwartzman, Yvonne Clapham and all the others.Thank you! To join them visit • COLLABORATORS • Script: Jonas Koblin • Artist: Pascal Gaggelli • Voice: Matt Abbott • Coloring: Nalin • Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa • Production: Selina Bador, Morgan Lizop • Fact-checking: Ludovico Saint Amour Di Chanaz • Sound Design: Miguel Ojeda • SOUNDTRACKS • Magical Keys - Studio Le Bus • Nice Toys - Studio Le Bus • DIG DEEPER with these top videos, games and resources: • Watch Robert Sapolsky explain Heritability as part of his famous Stanford lecture on Behavioral Genetics • about Nature, Nurture, Crayfish and all the things we don’t know yet • To study how the environment impacts personality traits, researchers like to observe the upbringing of children in settings where we can eliminate some variables and better control for differences. In particular they look at two forms of twin studies. Non-identical twins who are raised in the same family — they experience a similar environment, but just like most siblings share 50% of their DNA. Identical twins who are raised in different families: In these rare instances, the twins share the same genes (in fact not all identical twins share the same genes), but were given up for adoption at birth and are therefore raised in completely different environments. • Identical twins have not always identical genes • SOURCES • Genetic and environmental influences on adult intelligence and special mental abilities • • • Dr. Chao-Qiang Lai has written this article in his personal capacity and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. • • Impact of Genes on Education Achievements • • CLASSROOM EXERCISE • To read more about suggested classroom activities for this topic, check out our website • CHAPTERS • 00:00 Introduction • 01:00 Nature vs Nurture • 01:55 A measurement of differences in traits • 02:34 Heritability • 03:35 Heritability of height • 05:03 Heritability of IQ • 06:40 The crayfish observation • 07:31 What do you think? • 07:56 Patrons credit • 08:05 Ending • • #psychology #personality #sproutslearning #naturevsnurture #heritability