Showing that the resurrection of Jesus never happened


Revealing Satan’s identity with the help of AI: If Satan existed as a man, what would Satan’s personality be like and what would his goals in life be? • Gabriel, what are the differences between Islam, Judaism, Christianity and your religion? Well, I'll tell you briefly. https://gabriel-loyal-messenger.blogs... • In this video I explain why that story in Acts 1 and other parts of the Bible is a deceit of the Roman Empire, they never converted to true religion, they falsified it. • • Comparison between Islam, Judaism, Christianity and the religion Jehovah justice of the righteous. • • Read also: • The Romans killed Jesus, then the Roman criminals told us their contradictory versions about the murder of Jesus, and as always, they did it by demonizing the Jews, demonizing Jesus' coreligionists • • ¿Qué es esta mentira?: 1 Timoteo 4:4-5 Porque todo lo que Dios creó es bueno, y nada es de desecharse, si se toma con acción de gracias; porque por la palabra de Dios y por la oración es santificado. ¿Acaso no creó Dios plantas venenosas?. ¿Acaso las palabras pueden hacer que esas plantas ya no sean venenosas?. • • Extra Revelation: Because it is evident that he never loved everyone, he will say to the woman on his right: “Come with me, blessed woman, to inherit the eternal life that was predestined for you and for all the righteous (Matthew 25:31),” and he will say to the woman on his left: “But you, slanderous and cursed woman, go to the eternal fire prepared for Satan and his messengers!” (Matthew 25:41). • • Jesus is not the truth, no man is infinite, but the truth is infinite. Rome deceived you with the Bible. The Romans made the face of Zeus appear as if it were the face of Jesus, but they have not limited themselves to that, they have also falsified his messages, they have slandered him by attributing to him the saying of blasphemies and things that are senseless and unjust. The Roman fraud was not going to be so obvious, that is why even in the texts that they attributed to Moses and the prophets there is some fraud. •


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