Emma Stone
This week on the SNL Hall of Fame podcast we welcome back to the show, the statistical guru of the Saturday Night Network, Mike Murray! He's here on the pod to discuss our third host in a row, this time it's Emma Stone. Get it wherever you get your podcasts. • • Transcript: • • Track 2: • • [0:42] Thank you so much, Doug DeNance. It is great to be back inside the SNL Hall of Fame with you all. • • Track 2: • • [0:51] Big kudos for you showing up this week. It's been a stormy week here in Toronto where the Hall of Fame is and our guest count has went down. • • But I'll tell you what, the floors are a mess. I don't know what kind of message I need to send to you, but wipe those feet, people. • • The SNL Hall of Fame podcast is a weekly affair where each episode we take a deep dive into the career of a former cast member, host, musical guest, or writer and add them to the ballot for your consideration. • • Once the nominees have been chosen, we turn to you, the listener, to vote for the most deserving and help determine who will be enshrined for perpetuity in the hall. • • That's how we play the game. It's just that simple. • • All you need to do is listen in for the argument that is being made by our special guest for the week and determine whether or not they make a strong enough case. • • From there, you'll get a ballot and you'll get to place your vote. • • If a candidate reaches 66.7% of the ballot, they are welcome to join us here in the SNL Hall of Fame. • • Did you know that if you're in the Hall of Fame, you get a pass that you can come in for free anytime you want, and we'll even provide you a bottle of water. So there's that. • • • • Track 2: • • [2:19] Let's track down my friend Matt for some trivia in Matt's minutiae minute. • • Let's see if I can find him here. I'll give him a holler. • • • • Track 3: • • [2:29] Matt how in the world are you doing this week i am good thank you i am good, busy busy but can't complain well you just did. • • • • Track 3: • • [2:42] Well stating a fact isn't necessarily complaining but yeah i was complaining. • • • • Track 3: • • [2:50] Well no one will be complaining about our nominee this week uh emma stone is who you're going to be be talking about learning me up real good here. • • What have you got for us this week, Matt? • • Emma Stone, height 5'6 , born November 6th, 1988, making me feel very old again. • • She's accomplished much more in her shorter life than I have in my longer life. • • So I found out that her low voice stems from actually having colic as a baby that lasted six months. • • So I'm shocked that her parents didn't pull out all of their hair um it developed she developed nodules and calluses on her vocal cords which is how why she has such a distinctive voice she actually has a phobia of being lifted up or being high because uh when she was seven she was doing gymnastics on on the parallel bars and fell and broke both of her arms. Oh my gosh. • • Horrible. Yeah. Oh yeah. We need to have a warning at the top of this one, a trigger warning. • • Yeah. Trigger warning for anybody who's afraid of gymnastics. • • Yeah. She grew up blonde. Judd Aptow suggested for she go red for super bad. • • And she real, after doing that, she found that she was called back much more for auditions. So she just stayed a redhead. • • • • Track 3: • • [4:16] Originally named emily stone she changed to emma as there was already an actor named emily stone registered with sag and it happens amazingly a lot um a lot of actors uh go by three names or or a slightly different name um she actually prefers emily over emma so that's how she would would prefer to be called um but she took the name emma from a member of her favorite band the spice girls oh baby yeah she is she is a baby spice fan me too that was my favorite yeah there's actually pictures of her on the internet meeting them losing her mind like tears fanning out it's uh it's very endearing now she knew at an early age she wanted to be a film star and convinced her parents to move to Hollywood by putting together a PowerPoint presentation named Project Hollywood. • • She lists her heroes as Gilda Radner, Diane Keaton, and Marianne. • • • • Track 3: • • [5:22] Cotillard. But yeah, she's been dreaming of being on SNL since she was a kid. • • So having been a host multiple times now, she got that dream. • • Since that PowerPoint presentation, she went on to be an actress in 57 films, produced 11 films, and has four soundtrack credits. • • She has been in five Oscar-nominated films and herself has been nominated for four Oscars, five BAFTAs, seven Golden Globes, six SAG Awards, and many more. • • She is one of only eight actresses to win an Oscar for a musical, the others being Rita Moreno, Julie Andrews, Barbara Streisand, Liza Minnelli, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Hudson, and Anne Hathaway. • • Before she initiated Project Hollywood, she was developing websites and learned HTML at the age of 14, launching her own webzine called Neptune, which pulled on her love of journalism. • • She dreams o...