Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant

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L. Ray Smith explains why Christians are not required to tithe. • If this video has helped you please help spread the word with Patreon. Every Patreon penny goes to advertising. No individuals receive any of these funds. • https://www.patreon.com/user?bibletruths • You can also help with PayPal: [email protected] • Read a very detailed paper on tithing here: http://www.bible-truths.com/tithing.html • Recorded November 3rd, 2007. • All Christians are exempt from a 10% tithe. • The word tithe just means a tenth. The word tithing, the doctrine of tithing, is something totally different. Tithing, in the scriptures, is a doctrine, a teaching, a law, a principle, a commandment. It's a specific thing. It's not some general, nebulous nonsense. It's a specific thing. Tithing in the Bible, by law, under the Law of Moses, was the children of Israel ... If you're not of the children of Israel, you're out. Had to pay a tithe on the increase of their production. If you didn't have an increase, you don't pay. On the land only. If you were a shoemaker, you didn't pay tithe on shoeing. If you were a fisherman, you didn't pay tithe on fish. If you made the wagons that carried in the tithe, you didn't pay tithe on the profit from making wagons. You only paid tithes on the produce of the land and the herds. Only. You paid that tithe only to the Levites and the priests, no one else. • Then it gets more complicated. You have the third tithe. You have the festival tithe, where you spent the money yourself. You went to a place where God placed his name, where you'd keep the three seasonal feasts: Pentecost and tabernacles. You would take your tithes with you, so you would have food to eat. If it was too far, you could sell the tithes, take the money, and wherever you went buy food. When the temple was destroyed, there is no more tithing. There was no more Levitical priesthood. Tithing is a thing of the past. It's a impossibility to tithe scripturally today, because you would have to an Israelite who is a farmer who tithes to the tribe of Levi only for temple services. None of those things exist. You can't tithe. You can give. You can give money. You can give contributions. That's fine. • Paul said, God loves a cheerful giver, not a cheerful tithe payer, a cheerful giver. Christ never collected a tithe. The Apostles never collected a tithe. Paul never taught the Gentiles to tithe. There's not one example of anyone tithing to the New Testament church in the New Testament. Not one example. • There's two examples only: where Christ talked about the Pharisees who tithed on mint and cumin and all these little herbs. He said, That's fine. That's titheable, but you should do the weightier matters of law. That was not a weightier matter of the law. Those Pharisees who did tithe meticulously were not justified. Then it was the publican and the sinner who went up to the temple to pray, if you remember. The one says, Man, I tithe everything to the Pharisee. I fast twice a week. I do all this stuff. Didn't do him a bit of good. He said, That man did not go down to his house justified. But the sinner who wouldn't even look up, put his eyes up to heaven, said, Forgive me, a sinner. He said, That made that one home justified. Those are the only two examples of tithing in the New Testament. Both of them, the people that did the tithing, stood condemned. • Now I can go on and on and on. • Tithing is a Christian hoax. • They didn't tithe in the 1st century church. Why do you think they had all things common in the Book of Acts, Chapter 5? Because everybody was giving 10% of their gross national income? Are you crazy? Paul went hungry most of the time. Do you think if he collected 10% of all Asia he wouldn't have enough to eat? How stupid did these theologians thing we are? Come on! They didn't tithe. Paul would have been a multiple ... You think Paul Crouch is rich. Paul the Apostle would have been multi, multi, multi, multi-millionaire. He made tents. He worked. He wasn't collecting tithes. It's nonsense. • It's a hoax. First century Christians didn't teach, second century, third century. It was about the 4th or 5th century, 400 or 500 hundred years after Christ established his church that the Catholic church made it a law that everybody had to tithe. Not just farmers, everybody-shoemakers, bookkeepers, bakers, everybody-had to tithe. Why did they have to make that a law? It's not in the scriptures. They made it up. • And the whole protestant world bows down to it.


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