Jason Breda Calvinists hold to a quotfalse Gospelquot Ah NO
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tiDrWe91VK4
Jason Breda is a DETERMINIST! • Oh, you didn't know? Yes. • So is Leighton Flowers a DETERMINIST! • Oh, you didn't know that either? Yep. • So is Braxton Hunter a DETERMINIST! • Oh, you didn't know that?...huh. • Crazy times, indeed! • As a Divine, Decisional, Decretal Determinist (aka. Divine Determinist; or, Theistic Determinist) it's just a bit offensive to hear Neo semi-Pelagians like Jason Breda say that us Calvinists, who hold to Divine Determinism, are holding to a, FALSE GOSPEL . It might even be borderline SLANDER against fellow Christians! • Perhaps Jason should choose his words more carefully in the future before calling plain 'ol Calvinists, HYPER-CALVINISTS, just because we're all a bunch of Divine Determinists. • • Why is it that I, as a Calvinist, seem to know more about Neo semi-Pelagian bad theology than they know about their own bad theology? • Hint: it's not 'cuz I'm smarter in any way, shape, or form. • These Neo semi-Pelagians certainly have a difficult time in properly representing my Historic Reformed/Calvinist views, though. • For my brethren in Christ. • Praise our King of kings for His Glorious Grace and the knowledge of His truths He has bequeathed to us, His underserving servants. • May we be strong in Honoring His Truth. • Soli Deo Gloria • Video clip: • • Why I Don't Believe In Calvinism Anym... . • 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, Ch. 3, para. 1 • https://www.the1689confession.com/168.... • Westminster Confession of Faith (1647), Ch. 3, sec. 1 • https://www.apuritansmind.com/westmin....