>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=tjP_UJsdkvI
Tunjungan is one of the iconic areas in the city of Surabaya which holds a lot of history starting from various buildings and stories. Therefore, the historical community in the City of Heroes created a tourist attraction with an urban track theme. Apart from that, Tunjungan is also a popular place visited by Gen Z. • Are you curious? Come on, watch the exciting video! • KELOMPOK 1 : • 1. Ahmad Ulul Azmi Alvarizqi ( 064 ) • 2. Achmad Syakhel Andriansyah ( 078 ) • 3. Fadila Riskiainaya ( 105 ) • 4. Salsabilla Maura Wimea ( 107 ) • 5. Lutfi Khoirunisa ( 148 ) • Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris • Dosen Pengampu : Desika Putri Mardiani S.Pd., M.Pd @desikapm • #PLS23B