Understanding the Ford Crown Victoria P71 Police Interceptor Transmission

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This is a simple video explaining what the P R N D 2 1 settings mean, and why or why not to use them, including the most frequent question I see posted online - whether or not to O/D on or O/D off (overdrive on or off). The owner's manual and supplement that comes with these cars lists the very limited reasons to turn off O/D. • #wjhandydad #crownvic #transmissionODonoroff • 0:00 Ford Crown Victoria police interceptor P71 P7B automatic transmission 4R-70 4R-75 • 0:35 P is park (self explanatory) • 0:40 R is reverse (self explanatory) • 0:43 N is neutral - can start car in P or N - can push car in N • 0:59 1 - first gear - transmission remains in 1st gear • 1:26 2 - second gear - transmission remains in 2nd gear (does not shift 1-2 like other cars) • 2:04 D - drive - transmission shifts between all gears 1, 2, 3, and 4 which is overdrive • 2:46 O/D off - turns off overdrive - transmission shifts between 1, 2, and 3 only • 4:00 normal driving - keep overdrive on for theoretical best fuel economy • http://www.WJHandyDad.com • Disclaimer: • Due to factors beyond the control of WJ Handy Dad, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. WJ Handy Dad assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. WJ Handy Dad recommends safe practices when working on vehicles/homes and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of WJ Handy Dad, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not WJ Handy Dad. • As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases


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