Gnosis Work of the Initiate

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ - Explore the Ancient Mysteries and Symbolism of Self Initiation •   / adeptinitiates   • - EXPAND CONSCIOUSNESS! • This channel contains a collection of some of the most influential and thought-provoking videos on YouTube. The intent is to guide the collective mind, via an enhanced awareness and an overall acceptance of truth, in order to accelerate our evolution through enlightenment. This can only be achieved by the sharing of these ideas through as many communication vehicles as possible. If you have any suggestions for videos that you think should be added to this channel, do not hesitate to shoot us a message! • A basic explanation of the structure of our psyche and how it is depicted in the Greek mysteries, the New Testament, and Kabbalah. Learn about your inner psychikon and pneumatikon, and how to acquire Telesis: the intelligent effort towards a defined goal, which is union with the Divine. Lecture quote: • It is possible for us to experience reality, to awaken our consciousness and see for ourselves that we are all one, without any separation. It is also possible to experience God (Atman, Buddha, Allah, or whatever we call That Which Is) for oneself. • Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! • Tags: • DNA Fingerprint of God unseen forces science physics mysteries solved revealed mind over matter spirit world sound light universe history truth earth mysteries of life mathematics placebo effect healing signs and symbols occult ancient sightings the matrix is real holographic intelligence sacred geometry quantum physics illusion of reality new paradigm 2012 shamanism cleansing mother earth climatic disaster native american change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya change evolution shift timewave zero terrence mckenna fibonacci sequence fingerprint of god golden ratio pi phi in nature sightings nostradamus dimensional omega Mayan Calendar Apocalypse i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati pyramids giza peru mexico mystery schools monuments megaliths ley lines earth's energy grid electromagnetic magnetism solar radiation Harmonic great cosmic cycle The Photon belt the wave of love red elk wisdom Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality code post emergence planetary indigo galactic yoga sacred geometry pineal gland ufo phi om fifth 5th sun global shift Pleiades bloodline David Icke lightworkers seer photons cosmic alignment enlightenment 5th dimenson mass awakening great light cosmic rays sun ascended indigo children milky way astrological cycle Precession of the Equinoxes 26,000 year cycle prophecy Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois Dogon Tribe, Aborigines new cycle new beginning collective consciousness synchronicity 13 Baktun Count Dreamspell maya mayan peace freedom positivity energy energies illuminating enviroment change 5th world emergence climate change magnetic fields fourth dimension fourth world Mindship Earth Planetary awakening Sunspot signs solar time Nibiru Planet Nephlim Mayan Prophecies I-Ching Bible precessional Platonic year end times new Golden age transformation winter solstice Maya Long count ends astronomical cycles kornkreise cycle quantum resonance Bode's harmonization harmonizing purification healing lightworkers abundance mantra Ascended masters Rainbow Warriors Indian Infected Mushroom earthquakes meteors volcanoes wildfires flooding comets, volcano tornado weather climatic solar flares collapse flooding meteor showers meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic • divine future ascension transcendence mayan calendar change consciousness ascension spirituality Light new old ways living in balance great mass awakening spiritual love and light 5th fifth world sipapu Pleiadian Evolution mother earth sacred planet way of the peaceful warrior solar federation signs of the end New spirituality environment Mother Earth elohi time asteroids Native American Indigenous Hopi Prophecy RedCrow four corners Indian ozone depletion weather climatic collapse meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic new world order pleiadians messengers of light cycle of time serpent of light Singularity quantum change sacred triangle stargate portal nine worlds post sacred time timeless new change rainbow tribe the center living in harmony revelations good news 2012 hopi prophecy rock cosmic stargate age of aquarius dimension planet earth blue star super nova Carl Sagan message crop circles cropcircles secret


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