Anita Moorjanis Near Death Experience Dying to Live
Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience showed her the afterlife, which led to a new understanding of life. By dying she learned how to live. Anita shares some wisdom and humor while inspiring others to live more fully. Subscribe and ring the 🔔 to see future videos. • In February of 2006, Anita Moorjani was on her deathbed. Having suffered from cancer for several years, Moorjani was in a coma with malignant tumors throughout her body. Doctors told her husband and mother that she had only hours to live. After coming out of a 30-hour coma, Moorjani emerged from an out-ofbody experience where she says she experienced the afterlife and gained a new understanding of our physical life. Medical records show that Anita was miraculously found cancer free within three weeks of her NDE. • ABOUT IANDS • Founded in 1981, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is a membership-based non-profit organization. It was founded by Bruce Greyson, MD, Raymond Moody, MD, Kenneth Ring, PhD, Michael Sabom, MD, and John Audette, MS, pioneers in near-death experience research. IANDS is dedicated to NDE education, support and research. • IANDS engages in numerous activities including conferences, affiliated groups, special initiatives, quarterly Vital Signs magazine, and other publications, including The Self Does Not Die and the scholarly, peer-reviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies. It offers weekly small online support groups, live events, and videos-on-demand through IANDS attracts members from around the world, including researchers, experiencers, educators, healthcare professionals, authors, academics, and others. JOIN TODAY! • ✨ Anita Moorjani’s Website: • ✨ Join the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS): • ✨ IANDS online events, groups and more: • ✨ The next 2021 IANDS Conference is Sept 2-5, 2021 • ✨ Please subscribe to this channel to receive new video notification. Thank you!