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In this video, we look at 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, where Paul speaks of the incredible hope and responsibility given to us in Christ. Here, Paul reminds us that we have been entrusted with the light of the gospel, which shines into the hearts of believers, bringing truth and life. We’ll explore the importance of not losing heart, even in the face of trials, and how to keep our eyes on God’s glory rather than earthly troubles. Join us as we uncover how this passage inspires courage, faith, and steadfastness in sharing the truth of the gospel. • If this message of hope and resilience resonates with you, please like this video and subscribe for more inspirational content. Share this video to help spread the light of the gospel, and let’s continue to grow together in faith. Don’t forget to leave a comment on what encourages you to keep going in your faith journey! • #2Corinthians4 • #BibleStudy • #FaithOverFear • #GospelTruth • #ChristianEncouragement • #ShineTheLight • #NeverLoseHeart • #BiblicalInspiration • #HopeInChrist • #FaithJourney • • The most important part of my faith is the knowledge that there is nothing that I can do to earn salvation, it is a gift, paid through His blood, death and bodily resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe that this gift has been made available to every man, woman, and child; however, I believe that each person must repent and surrender to Lord Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit. I believe that this surrender must be unconditional, and is done by inviting Jesus Christ to be Lord in all areas of one's life - body and spirit. • THE SCRIPTURES • The verbal inspiration and total inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as originally given by God; their sole-sufficiency and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. • GOD • One God in three persons, the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-equal, co-eternal, sovereign and active in creation, providence and redemption. • THE LORD JESUS CHRIST • The essential deity and perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and men. • THE HOLY SPIRIT • The work of the Holy Spirit is regenerating the sinner and indwelling, sanctifying and empowering the believer. • THE DEVIL • The personality of the devil: his evil activity and final doom in the Lake of Fire. • CHURCH • Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church; water baptism and the Lord's Supper. Both are available to all believers. • JUSTIFICATION • The justification of the sinner by God's grace alone through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ; the eternal security of the believer. • THE FUTURE STATE • The unconditional immortality of the soul; the resurrection of the body; the eternal joy in heaven of the believer; the conscious eternal punishment in hell of those who die impenitent • CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR • The responsibility of all believers is to obey and serve the Lord and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives; the duty of each church to exercise godly discipline in a loving and caring fashion.


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