“Come Thou Fount”
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ts6hG6pk_3g
Another one of my favorite traditional hymns (The are thouasand). I truly believe there is so much power and encouragement in the worlds and music that believers have embued into the works they created, that was still applicable and helpful today. I hope this is encouraging for you! Love y’all!! ✌️💜 #YouknowItsLP #God #HeavenlyFather #Jesus #Christ #JesusChrist #ComeThouFount #Hymn #Hymns #TraditionalHymns #ChristianMusic #Christian #Christianity #ChristianityTikTok #Singing #Singer #BassSinger #BaritoneSinger #WorshiipMusic #WorshipMinistry #Acapella #Peace #Love #Power #✌️💜