Mazzy Star 1996711 Paris Le Divan du MondeFull show14 songs live AUDIO
Very good quality audience recording, July 11, 1996, • 01 Bells Ring, starts at 1:21 mark • 02 Halah 5:50 • 03 Disappear 9:36 • 04 She Hangs Brightly 13:44 • 05 Blue Flower (Slapp Happy cover) 19:32 • 06 Flowers in December 24:21 • 07 Five String Serenade (Arthur Lee Love cover) 29:22 • 08 Ride it On 34:07 • 09 Leaving on a Train (a.k.a. Let That Be)[unreleased] 37:21 • 10 I've Been Let Down 41:13 • 11 Still Cold 45:16 • 12 Ghost Highway 51:53 • 13 So Tonight That I Might See 56:24 • 14 Give You My Lovin' 1:03:04 • Recordings of 1996-7 Mazzy Star shows aren't quite as abundant as ones from 1993-4. So, having another good quality recording from 1996 that includes some songs from 1996's album, Among my Swan, is welcome. Thanks go to Scott Simpson whose DAT2 (digital audio tape) of the show this recording derives from. It's one he received in trade. • .................................... • I first shared this recording via fan site • in the extensive bootlegs-with-download-links thread there: • • (check it out). That's when webmaster Emma • mentioned she'd attended this 1996 Divan du Monde Paris show, she posted her recollections of the show, quoted here below: • QUOTE: I was lucky enough to attend this show and your bootleg brought back nice memories. The live performance of Five String Serenade was certainly one of the highlights of the show (a great rarity!). Besides the Five String Serenade live version, I like a lot their live performance of Disappear and the way that David jammed on that song. • As this concert took place twenty years ago, I forgot the small details of their performance but I remember that the show was professionally filmed. When we arrived at the entrance to the venue, we found a warning sign from Mazzy Star's management informing us that the concert would be filmed and asking us not to enter if we didn't want to appear in the footage.I have always wondered what they did with this concert footage. Given the number of cameras that had been set up in the venue, I initially thought the video recording would be released as a concert footage/DVD box by Capitol Records. Maybe the problems that occurred during the show prevented them from releasing the footage. (You probably noticed that David had problems with his guitar on Let That Be. I remember there was also a problem on Still Cold. Hope didn't seem happy with Keith Mitchell's drum beat when they started to play the song. So she left the front of the stage and moved to the back of the stage to talk to him for a while. This explains why the Still Cold introduction is a bit longer than usual.) • I may be wrong but I think some parts of the footage were finally used in the official Disappear video.: • • MAZZY STAR - DISAPPEAR (FULL) • (Hope was wearing the same black bustier dress as the one you can see in the video. Also, the venue looks similar to Le Divan du Monde.) -Emma • [Note: the thumbnail pic for this video is of Hope from the Disappear video wearing the dress Emma mentions] • -Anyone interested can download an audio file of this same recording in lossless FLAC format from a file hosting site here: •!rEtlzYgT!v629zbqQWH... • Plus, many more Mazzy, Hope related (mostly live) bootlegs with download links can be found at fan site in this thread: • Also, text of dozens of Mazzy Star Hope interviews, band(s) history info, etc. is found at the fan site.