quotStand By Mequot by Ben E King 365 Riffs For Beginning Guitar
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=u0MOL8XZ84g
6/29/23 update! • Guys, thanks for watching - it means a lot! • Please join me on Saturdays at 5pm ET for my free YouTube Guitar Q+A livestream. Just text your questions about learning the guitar and I'll answer as many as I can in about 2 hours. If you can't make it on Saturdays, the livestreams are available to watch afterwards and soon I'll be making them into podcasts as well. I look forward to your questions! • And if you're serious about getting better at the guitar, check out my website www.song-bike.com. Lots of great content and PDFs - stuff NOT AVAILABLE on YouTube. • I do online lessons too. Email me : [email protected] • Stand By Me by Ben E. King: 365 Riffs For Beginning Guitar !! You can do this - I'll be posting one a day! • Check out the entire playlist of videos like this one: • • 365 Songs Riffs For Beginning Guitar • I choose these riffs because they are within your grasp as a beginning guitarist. Memorize them play them over and over. That's ALL it takes ! Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT below. Check out my YouTube channel : / jkehew1 and make a donation to help the cause on my home page ! (look for the PayPal icon in the upper right corner - THANKS !) I have a GREAT website for beginners www.song-bike.com. You can become a member for just $9.95/month. I'm really proud of it and I think you'll love it. Check it out !