Telescope 30x zoom with DIY Barlow lens


Please watch for Moon shots with DIY barlow at    • DIY Barlow lens Moon photography   • and the playlist for more details at    • My moon and star exploration with DIY...   • #Moon #Telesope #Barlow • My passion with astronomy made me post this DIY work for Primitive Barlow lens for the magnification of refractor telescope with PVC pipes.... I got a zoom of nearly 30x with this in my DIY telescope. I watched the craters of the moon with this... and Orion Nebula also looks like a hazy cluster of clouds with this.... Enjoy..! The cost of all the lenses 2 convex, one concave 5cm focal length and the front lens say 100mm dia 75cm focal including PVC pipes 4 dia, and 2 dia with 2 unions sockets and a bit of pipes comes under Nrs. 1000 rupees or USD 10 only. Try to get the pipes from KABADI's as far as practicable and wash and rinse them properly before use.


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