Understanding MTHFR and Folic Acid
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=u3AvLq2DcDE
If you're somebody with MTHFR gene mutation looking for more information on what you should do for MTHFR gene mutation treatment this video will help. It will explain methylation, methylfolate verses folic acid, how you should treat MTHFR or whether or not you should at all. • Links from Video 😁. • *Note CORRECTION: The Video Says 1-2 grams of methylfolate It should be 1-2 mg* • **MY COURSE ⭐️ : Get real-world troubleshooting and personal guidance to optimize your health through genetics with this comprehensive MTHFR course. • http://discover-holistic-health-acade... • **MY BOOK 📕 : Skip the common pitfalls and fast-track your journey to optimal health. https://geni.us/y6lNt (Amazon Affiliate Link) • This video should give you a lot more information on what to do in different situations. I made this video specifically for my course that goes into how to approach optimizing your biochemistry when you have MTHFR and • other genetic variations like comt and histamine issues but I wanted to share with you and a wider audience. MTHFR treatment is not always that complicated or optimze your biochemistry when you ahve MTHFR can be very straight forward. this illustrates that but it also gives sort of a more • broad overview of what you would do in different situations when you have MTHFR gene mutation • It does exclude some information like for people with more issues like anxiety and more complex health issues. When you are generally pretty healthy and you have mthfr this video will give you a nice illustration of what you can do in different situations. it's not just a little piece of it it's kind of a a good overview. It doesn't account for everything so make sure you you know you know look at other resources and you know get labs done and things like that if this is something that you're gonna dive into on your own and in the description there'll be a link to the • course if you want to get more information like I said it has like quizzes and things like that in it to • help guide you in different directions of what you should do and certain • scenarios as well as like labs that you should be doing and things like that if • you just want a like a information but not as much detail there's also you can • check out the book as well it's on Amazon also link to that in the • description. oh here is your key so positive there obviously means a positive result so as • I'm going through the algorithm you're going to see signs like this and you'll see what that means here shortly and then also put these in order of increasing stimulation so number five would be the most stimulating now some of these are a little bit arbitrary but it certainly these two are the least • stimulating actually probably evens you know this would be more stimulating you know it's a toss-up between those two and then tossed off between those two but generally speaking that's kind of how I do that so this algorithm is for and people with MTHFR homozygous for c 677T or compound hetero c677T A1298C. So that means you have to copies of this one or you have one copy of this one copy of that so that's specifically what this algorithm is for now there are certainly other combinations that you can have but these are the most the two kind of combinations that are going to affect • the enzyme the most and you know there are other point mutations that one can have they don't seem to affect it as much as far as the research goes at this point and then in addition you know you're you don't just do this just because but just because you have it but when they're symptoms so the symptoms that we would be looking for here is fatigue and and then you have no anxiety • so if you have anxiety then basically this algorithm probably will not work for you but if you have both you know it's gonna be difficult to decide but you may need to get more guidance you know on this before kind of diving in but that's sort of the prerequisites and then actually a a couple more • prerequisites so you should have no digestive symptoms plus no known.