What about now Tegami Bachi Betta

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=u4F4UnkDyT8

I do not own anything used in this video, I merely edited pages from the Manga Tegami Bachi and nothing more, no copy-right infringement intended! • • [[ Update ]] Add my back-up account please! •    / perlerougeproduction   • • 'Bloodied face over an open fire' • • [[ Updateness ]] Why are my MMVs so much better than my AMVs? • • [[ More Updateness ]] If you see an open MMV production tell me xD • • TWO DAYS WORK, I'M SWEATY AND TIRED BEYOND ALL BELIEF BUT I FINALLY DID WHAT WAS NAGGING ME WHENEVER I LISTENED TO THAT ACCURSED SONG • • .. Anyway.. Leaving my insanity behind, I was watching AangelProduction's SasuSaku video What about now? and I couldn't help but imagine this PERFECTLY with Gauche and Lag! I mean listen to the lyrics and tell me it doesn't fit them perfectly!? Sorry I'm still with insanity right now.. • • Welp two-days work and my second MMV since my account got suspended, in which it still is and I hope it stays that way, I do miss my fifteen subbies though.. • • PLEASE forgive me for that first crop's horrible mistake.. It was just so hard to do I just couldn't recrop it and fix it.... Also this wasn't meant to be a shippy video as much as it looks! But see whatever you want.. I was just repeating what I saw in their relationship xD • • SPEAKING OF WHICH I got pissed off recently when I noticed that one of my friends on here.. Whom will go unmentioned joined the exact same month has thousands of views and hundreds of subscribers to them.. They're not much different in styling from me and it makes me very sad to hear they're more popular then I am.. I mean I don't have many videos less then them! Is it because I don't make popular anime vid-.. No no.. I make Pokemon and Shugo chara videos for god's sake, Pokemon has thousands of videos to it.. Perhaps it's over-used?.. Maybe I need a non-popular anime or TV show to use like they do.. 'Sniffle' But anyway.. I hope I can get better so people'll take me seriously and add me.. Also I'm mainly only making Beta's so people'll subscribe waiting for that video to be finished..!


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