Make DETROIT Style Deep Dish PIZZA Recipe Glen And Friends Cooking
How To Make Detroit Deep Dish Pizza • Welcome Friends. Welcome to another pizza of the week, and this week we are making • Detroit deep-dish pizza, a Motor City Classic! Some say this is a descendant of a Sfincione. • Ingredients: • 425 mL (1 ¾ cups) 90ºF water • 75g (125 mL / ½ cup) durham semolina flour • 10 mL (2 tsp) sugar • 10 mL (2 tsp) instant dry yeast • 500g (875 mL / 3 ½ cups) bread flour • 10 mL (2 tsp) sea salt • canola oil • 680g (24 oz) shredded Wisconsin Brick cheese ( • 350g sliced peperoni • 1 recipe of our Detroit Pizza Sauce: • How To Make DETROIT Style Pizza Sauce... • Method: • Combine water, semolina, yeast and sugar to the bowl of a stand mixer. • Let sit for 5 - 10 mins to ‘prove’ the yeast. • Mix the flour and salt into the water yeast, until fully combined and a ragged ball is formed. • Let rest for 15 minutes. • Knead on med speed for 7-8 mins until smooth and elastic. • Divide dough into two balls and place in oiled bowls. • Cover bowls and let rise for 1-2 hours. • Generously oil 2 Detroit Style Pizza Pans; bottom and sides. • Place each dough ball in a 10 x 14 pan and press out as much as you can until it springs back. • Cover and let rest for 5-10 mins. • Uncover and fully press out dough so it’s all the way to edges and into the corners. • Cover and let rise at room temperature for 2 hours, it will rise about a ½ way up the pan. • Preheat oven to 475ºF. • Traditionally pepperoni is placed directly onto dough under the cheese with sauce on top. • The sauce is ladled on top in two stripes either before or after cooking. • Cook for 15-20 minutes. • It's done when you have a golden bottom crust. • Use a spatula to work the pizza out of pan and onto a cutting board. • Le Gourmet TV Is Now - Glen Friends Cooking! • Here's where we got the pans: • #LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking #PizzaOfTheWeek • Check out the ‘Merch’ in our TeeSpring store- T-Shirts, Mugs and more: • Please consider donating through PayPal to help us continue creating quality content: •