Chopping SorghumSudangrassFilling an Upright Stave Silo


We finally wrapped up all of the first crop hay of 2022. Now it's time to handle the sorghum-sudangrass. We have tried planting it before, but the crop never amounted to anything. That is definitely not the case this year. Alan's plan is to chop it and put it in our smaller silo. The 820 John Deere Tractor and New Holland 489 Haybine really had their work cut out for them as there were times you couldn't even see it from the tractor. After a couple days of drying, the sorghum was ready to chop. While lifting up the silo unloader, the tripod pulley broke, so with help from our neighbor, Caleb, and Alan's brother, Paul, they quickly took apart and removed the Van Dale Silo Unloader. The Gehl Long Box Blower was attached to the Silo, and the Case 830 was revving up to run it. The International 1256 and New Holland 790 Chopper started out chopping. The Farmall 560 was used for pulling wagons. In 2 days it was all done, but there is still a little more room in the silo, so Alan is going to chop some second crop hay to fill it all the way up. Once the silo is full, Alan can replace the tripod and pulley. • Check out our merch store- • • Support Trinity Dairy with a PayPal donation. Thank you for your kindness! • • • Trinity Dairy was established in 2006, in Minnesota. Alan and Jennifer farm with their 5 children; Jessica, Justin, Jordan, Joshua, and Jason. We milk a mix of 33 Jersey, Holstein, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, and Ayrshire cattle. We also enjoy sharing our family's love of Draft Horses and using them for logging and other farm work. Dairy Farming in Minnesota can be challenging, but it's a lifestyle we really enjoy. Subscribe today to watch our small family dairy farm and family grow while continuing to thank our Lord for the blessings we've been given.


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