The Raising Trains Incredible GRADIENTS Indian Railways
Enjoy yet another compilation of the Roller Coasting Trains raising like huge Snakes over the super monster gradients , something which is not commonly found across all parts of the Indian Railways. • These gradients are largely found in the Deccan plateau where the terrain is extremely rough and uneven. The South Western Railway Zone of Indian Railways stands top when it comes to these Monster Gradients how ever the average speed of Trains in the Zone takes a major dip due to the unavailability of flat straight lines. • The freight trains especially require High Horse Powered Locomotives to work efficiently in these terrains, most of the freight trains here are operated by EMD's either Single or Double depending on the load they need to carry for sufficient braking and to avoid Wheel slips, never the less ALCo's still do wonders. • WATCH Train Videos in ULTRA HD 4K • Like us on Facebook / therailzone • © The Rail Zone 2016