Chilli chicken recipe mini kitchen miniature cooking Rups miniature kitchen chinatown style


#chillichickenrecipe #minikitchen #miniaturcooking #Rup'sminiaturekitchen #chinatownstyle #recipe • chilli chicken recipe# mini kitchen# miniatur cooking# rup's miniature kitchen# chinatown style# recipe#. • Chilli chicken recipe is actually a indo-chinese dish in India it evolved to a very popular street food, in Kolkata Tangra China town's restaurant took a significant role to give today's texture of chilli chicken. • In this video we made Dry Chili Chicken, China town style. It's less spicy and good to eat. We replicate China town delicacies in our miniature kitchen in miniature form but in real cooking. • Please like share and subscribe our channel for give encourage us to make more videos like this.


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