(4 Dec 1994) Russian/Nat • • Hundreds of volunteers were sworn into the Chechen army Sunday as the breakaway republic continues to prepare for the worst- a possible Russian invasion. • • Russian armour and troops have been massing on the Chechen border this week, but in the capital, Grozny, supporters of president Dzhokhar Dudayev remain defiant. . • • These men are the new recruits of the Chechen army, being sworn in to fight for their country in case of a Russian attack. • • Formerly civilians with every day jobs they must now become soldiers and be ready to defend their country against a possible invasion in just a few days time. • • Their commander tells them there can be no surrender. • • SOUNDBITE: • Our hearts are beating and for as long as our hands can hold weapons, not one Chechen will take a step backwards. We will stand to the death to defend our land, our wives and our relatives. • SUPER CAPTION: Chechen commander. • • Their training is rudimentary, but there can be no doubt as to their commitment to the cause. • • These men's Muslim faith means much to them, they see Russians as infidels and colonialists. • • Having sworn their allegiance they make a customary Muslim ritual of face-washing. • • Some Russian soldiers have already been captured in the fighting. • • In a cell deep in the basement next to the presidential palace these two frightened youngsters await their fate. • • The first soldier says he was sent from Moscow, his wounded comrade speaks of how he was captured in Grozny itself. • • There were 21 prisoners of war, but two have since been released by the Chechen government in a humanitarian and political gesture. • • Dudayev wants to force President Yeltsin's hand, to see if he will carry out his threat to bomb the presidential palace while his own men languish in the basement. • • On the highway into Grozny border forces have already started to erect road blocks, to deter any Russian armoured convoys which would use these routes in an invasion. • • This commander of Chechen border guards says he's ready for the Russians. • • SOUNDBITE: • We have occupied armoured positions in the event of any Russian aggression. • SUPER CAPTION: Chechen border commander. • • Chechenians believe the Russians will attack very soon, beginning bombing again in a couple of days. • • SOUNDBITE: • We the Chechen border guards are devoted entirely to the president (Dudayev), to our very death. Theres' no question about it. Allah is with us and we are ready to die here. • SUPER CAPTION: Ruslan, Chechen border commander. • • President Yeltsin has given Dudayev until the Fifteenth of December for the Chechens to lay down their arms. • • But the Chechens seem unlikely to heed this ultimatum. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: