Solar System Planets Video
This video How big is the Universe? will blow your mind! • • How Insignificantly Small is the Earth? • New Video of giant Jupiter rising above the city of Perth! • • If the Moon were replaced by some of ... • Solar System Planets Video • Here we see an animation of the planets of the Solar System. • Each of the Planets is shown rotating along their axis. The majority of the Solar System planets rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. • Venus is the only planet the rotates in a clock-wise direction, albeit very slowly. On Venus, the planet rotates once every 243 days making a day on Venus longer than a the Venetian year at 224 days. • Uranus also has an unusual rotation, spinning on it's access as if rolling like a bowling ball. • Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all rotate at different speeds. The rotation speeds are not shown accurately in this Solar System Video. The proportional planet sizes are also not shown accurately in this video. • The Moon also rotates in a counter-clockwise direction, but because it is also orbiting the Earth in a counter-clockwise direction, the Moon keeps the same side facing the Earth. • Of all of the Solar System planets, Jupiter rotates the fastest, spinning on it's access in 10 hours. So fast that it causes the planet to flatten at the pole and bulge at the equator. • All of the planets in the Solar System also orbit the sun in the same counter-clockwise direction. Though this is only true if you are looking from above. • The reason that all of the Solar System planets orbit in the same direction, is because they all formed from a condensing and spinning cloud of gas and dust. The planets inherited this motion as they began to form. This also explains why they orbit in the same plane, since a spinning mass tends to flatten out as it spins. • To see a Solar System Video which shows each of the planets orbiting the Sun, check out the other videos in our Solar System Channel. • Subscribe to this channel if you would like to be the first to see our new space related videos as soon as they are released.