Tai Chi for Beginners The Two quotStepsquot You Need to Start
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To support this channel, visit https://sinclairinternalarts.com/donate/ • You will never see tai chi in a fight. Tai chi is a training method and a philosophic approach to combat. It is not style of fighting. Likewise, if you watch a boxing match, you will never see boxing training methods. You will never see skipping ropes, speed bags, pull ups, push ups, weight lifting, slow sparring, interval training, ladder drills, quick cuts, or any of the many things that boxers do to prepare for a fight. • Comprehensive tai chi training includes movement drills, posture training, meditation, core training, strength training, relaxation drills, breath work, mind/body training, sensitivity training, timing and distance exercises, and many of the training methods that are part of other martial arts. It includes striking, throws, joint control, pressure point manipulation, and much much more. • Spectators cannot hope to understand what is happening in a professional boxing match, because they just can't know what is going on as well as the seasoned fighters do. Likewise, few if any will be able to see the tai chi in a fight. • Most tai chi schools do not teach comprehensive tai chi, and have little interest in doing so. That is fine. The benefits of tai chi go far beyond martial arts and self defence. The average tai chi student doesn't need to master a complete martial art any more than the average piano student needs to master jazz.