Kirby Kicks
It's been a long time since I uploaded something, and I've been putting a lot of time into the third compilation (just hold on a little longer, I've been terribly busy with school, work, etc), Anyway, this video is just showing you how my playing around with Kirby is going along and how it might be a part of something on a larger scale... Quick note: Only Fox's head is finished, the rest of his body is still in development. • • General FAQ: • I use an oil-based clay called Belgrave but it's only sold in Australia. • I film at 24fps • I use a Canon M700i DV Camcorder connected to my computer through a firewire cable. • I use Stop Motion Pro V6 HD to make my animations. Go to to check it out. • All the sound effects in this movie were obtained from • Want to learn how to make something seemingly fly? Check out my flying tutorial here: • Want to learn how to make these? Just getting started and don't know what programs to use? Check out my basic stop-motion tutorial for Macs and PC's here: