ThyssenKrupp Traction Elevators The Artezen Hotel in New York NY


Here’s the Artezen Hotel that's located in Lower Manhattan of New York City, containing ThyssenKrupps with grocery beeps. Apparently, I was able to figure out that floors 20 and 21 are locked off. As you can see when I rode in the left car, it's leveling off at the lobby level and during that leveling phase, selecting a floor that requires going in the opposite direction that the elevator is headed won't work, and I thought that floors 16 through 21 are locked after trying every single floor button from the top until I got to 15, which is open. • MY THOUGHTS: • Pretty nice ThyssenKrupps, especially with the grocery beep. They also run pretty fast for a 21-story hotel! • TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEXT KAHOOT STREAM, CLICK HERE: • • REQUEST A KAHOOT GAME FOR MY NEXT KAHOOT STREAM: • • CONNECT WITH ME ON INSTAGRAM @windycityelevators • WANT TO REQUEST SOMETHING? LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW! • READ THIS BEFORE YOU MAKE A REQUEST: • E-mail me if you want to make a private request • Check the request line status in the About section. Making a request when the lines are closed will automatically be declined • It must be within the locations that are stated in the About section • Once you make a request, you must wait at least two weeks or until your requested video is up before requesting again, whichever comes first • Ride the Rail requests that take longer than 30 minutes to get from one station to another will take about 2 to 3 weeks to process • Ride the Rail requests for commuter rails will not be accepted • Elevator requests of residential complexes may not be guaranteed • If I happen to film your requested residential complex, it will be uploaded as an undisclosed location and I will not mention who requested that


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