Denon AHD9200 Review
I'm back! And trying out an improved recording setup as well as some light editing/animation! The video got a bit long winded after recording it a couple times due to technical issues (neighbours dog). • Test equipment included: Dragonfly Cobalt/Red, AK240, Auralic Vega G1, Questyle CMA800R, ALO Rx MkIIIb and various other random equipment. • If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! • 0:00 Intro - Unboxing • 0:58 Build • 2:20 Sound Introduction • 5:33 Bass • 6:00 Mids • 8:10 Treble • 8:50 Music Examples • 17:10 Outro • Edit: • I mislabeled one track: The Maze - The Void by Bendik Hofseth, Jacob Young, Mats Eilertsen, Paolo Vinaccia