labor induction and augmentation
Induction of labor (IOL) means initiation of uterine contractions (after the period of viability) by any method (medical, surgical or combined) for the purpose of vaginal delivery. • In this video we will cover • 1. Definition of Induction of labour • 2. Indications of Induction of labour • 3. Contraindications of Induction of labour • 4. Medical Methods of Induction of labour • 5. Surgical methods of induction of labour • 6. Bishop score • 7.Use of progesterone analog vs Oxytocin • • Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to avoid missing out on future videos that are uploaded weekly, and get updates on latest medical information. • • #inductionoflabour • #medical #obstetrics #gynecology #bishopscore #medicineinformation #pharmacology #mbchb #mbbs