GOD of Israel is Lord Jesus Christ
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Checkout for more @ TheUltimateRedemption.blogspot.ae • Please feel free to comment @ [email protected] • The only way to attain Salvation/Moksha/escape from Hell, is through Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4.12): • 1) Accept we are Sinners deserving Hell, where our Soul perishes (even one lie throughout our whole life makes us sinners deserving Hell, as per God’s law, as God hates sin and wants all to be Righteous) – Romans 3.23, 6.23. • 2) Ask Lord Jesus Christ (only son of God) to forgive us, as he died for us and took away our sins and rose on the 3rd day as Old Testament portion of Holy Bible prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus’s birth on Earth– Romans 5.8, John 1.29, John 3.16, Romans 10.9-10, Acts 16.31, 1 Corinthians 15-1-5; Isaiah 53, Psalm 22. • 3) Always keep in mind that no amount of Good works, charity, church visits, listening/reading Holy Bible, water Baptism, following commandments, etc can make us Righteous in God’s eyes, as they can never wipe-off our sins (Isaiah 64.6). Hence, the only way for salvation is to ask Lord Jesus’ forgiveness and believe that we are cleansed from our sins by his precious blood that was shed at Calvary - God’s only son- Lord Jesus Christ, is the God’s lamb slain for our sins from the foundations of the world (Revelation 13.8). Further, when we can’t earn salvation through good works, neither can we lose it indulging in bad works, once we are Saved though Faith believing in Lord Jesus’ complete payment for our sins at Calvary, and receive the free-gift of Salvation. (Ephesians 2.8-9, Ephesians 1.11-13, Ephesians 4.30, 1 Corinthians 5.1-5). However, as we automatically become the children of God by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, once we get Saved, we have to try to lead a sinless/Holy life by following his commandments as in the Holy Bible, in order to glorify God, to be a light to the world and to avoid God’s chastisement while on Earth (1Peter 1.16, John 1.12, Matthew 5.14, Hebrews 12.6-7). • • May God bless you and peace of Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! • • • Sources/links: • • • ​​​​God is just a Stepping Stone​ | S... • • Vedas • Http://www.cakravartin.com/wordpress/... • http://www.holybooks.com/rig-veda/ • http://www.devotionalindia.com/Vedas/... • http://libraryofyoga.com/bitstream/12... • • Bhagavad Gita: • http://files.krishna.com/en/pdf/e-boo... • • Sivapurana: • https://archive.org/details/SivaPuran... • https://archive.org/details/SivaPuran... • https://archive.org/details/SivaPuran... • https://archive.org/details/SivaPuran...