LOST ARK Oreha Prevasa Hard Mode

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=uP88W0qpuxs

Raid prog time was 1 hour 10 minutes. I have cut out the sections between the bosses. • ⯈   / saintone   • ⯈   / saintonelive   • Streams powered by iBUYPOWER, discount code SAINTONE for $300 off custom configs: https://ibp.gg/saintone • ----- • This is the second T3 Abyss Dungeon in Lost Ark Season 2, Oreha Prabasa, with a final encounter against Papunika Island's guardian deity Shinsoo Albion. Gear score for entry is 1340 (Normal) and 1355 (Hard). On Hard mode, bosses have more HP, deal more damage, and frequently have additional mechanics, often including instant raid wipes. They are between Guardian Raids and Abyss Raids in terms of mechanical difficulty. • Normal T3 Abyss Dungeon rewards include a good sum of gold, cards, materials to craft the high level equipment, and bound upgrade materials. Hard T3 Abyss Dungeon rewards include more gold, a lot more materials for crafting, more bound materials, high rarity accessories, bid auction for an crafted set item rarity upgrade scroll, and even full pre-crafted Abyss equipment. • Abyss Dungeons can be completed once per week each, but on one difficulty only. If you clear an Abyss Dungeon on one difficulty in a given week, you cannot claim rewards on the other difficulty in the same week. Also, if you cannot claim rewards on lower Abyss Dungeons, only Abyss Dungeons around your highest achieved item level. I was able to claim rewards from the 915 Abyss Dungeon at item level 1370. Rewards are once per week per dungeon per character, meaning alts can claim the rewards too.


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