World of Warcraft Introduction to Argus Guide
Reaching Argus:This video contains all of the quests required to enter Krokuun, the first zone of the planet Argus. You will need to have completed your clas...
World of Warcraft, WoW, Argus, Reaching, How to, Location, Guide, Krokuun, Macaree, Stormwind, Orgrimmar, The Hand of Fate, Light's Exodus, Two If By Sea, The Vindicaar, Into the Night, Cinematic, Travel, Dalaran, Prophet Velen, Vindicator Boros, Exodar, Ship, Dock, Durotar, Stormwind Harbor, Alone in the Abyss, Fiendish Leather, Crafting, Innkeeper, Portal, Lightforged Beacon, Light Crystal, Grand Artificer Romuul, Army of Light, Rep, Faction, Reputation, Emissary Quest, World Quest, Mount