How to Attract Positive Energy Into Your Life Life Coach Certification
Want to attract more positive energy into your life? It may be surprising, but the way you respond to receiving compliments has a lot to do with the amount of abundance, love, health and joy you regularly experience. • Subscribe: • Share this video: • How to Attract Positive Energy Into Y... • -------------------------------------------- • Would you love to learn about becoming a successful life coach? • Each year at Life Mastery Institute, we mentor and certify hundreds of people of all ages and from all walks of life, in how to effectively coach others and build successful, difference-making life coaching businesses. • What we’ve found is that there are four crucial components that every life coach must have in order to generate massive impact, influence and income. • To discover these four components, I highly recommend registering now for my upcoming coaching masterclass: • The 4 Pillars That Every Successful, Difference-Making Coach Must Have • ⬇ Register Here ⬇ • • -------------------------------------------- • How To Attract Positive Energy • So... you’re going after your dreams. Good for you! • Whether your dreams include earning more money, attracting more clients, boosting your business sales, being healthier or improving your relationships, know this: You are worthy of your dreams. • However, there’s something you may want to consider: You may be subconsciously sabotaging your own success! • You see, there’s an (often hidden) internal resistance that keeps many people from creating and attracting the positive energy needed to fulfill their dreams. The good news is that there’s a simple distinction you can make in order to move forward and make progress on your dreams much easier and in far less time. • You have an internal set point that regulates how much positive energy you receive. • Much like a thermostat in your home, you have an internal thermostatic setting that’s been pre-programmed to receive a certain amount of positive energy. • According to an article written in Psychology Today, the set point theory of happiness suggests that a level of subjective well being is determined primarily by heredity and personality traits ingrained in us early in life, and as a result remains relatively constant throughout our lives. • Our levels of happiness and joy may change in response to life events, but then almost always returns to its baseline level as we become used to those events and their consequences over time. • Our brains LOVE habits and routines, so our set points usually also apply to our careers, the amount of money we make and even our relationships. • Deflecting compliments reduces the amount of positive energy that you allow into your life. • To put it simply, compliments feed the best parts of you. Seeing and knowing the good in yourself is essential to overcoming any roadblocks to your dreams, and to living a life more in sync with what is truly meaningful to you. • The next time someone pays you a compliment, instead of deflecting, accept it by saying, Thank you, or, Thank you for noticing. • When you consciously allow more space for positive energy into your life, you will undoubtedly attract more wealth, love, opportunities, connection and intimacy into your life and accomplish your dreams with greater speed and ease that you’ve ever imagined. • Subscribe and join us! • • Find Out If Life Coaching Is Right For You by Requesting a Free Strategy Session with a Program Expert • ↪