Frsky RXSR receiver Binding issues FIX Taranis QX7 ACCST


I ordered 3 of these receivers and 1 came with my Nazgul 5. None of them would pair. The issues is firmware related. This may be applicable to other radios and frsky receivers as well...butI cannot confirm. In a nutshell, anything firmware version 2.xx and up will not work. We will walk through an overview of the issue, I will show you what the issue looks like, and then we will fix it and try again! A side note is that the XJT module is internal in my radio. If I understand correctly, this can be flashed separate from the radio. If the firmware on the XJT module is a certain version, version 2.xx WILL work. Please reference the forum link. • This is my first FPV video. More to come. Let me know what you like or dislike. • • INTRO: 0.0 - 2.10 • BINDING ISSUE: 2:10 - 3:50 • FIRMWARE : 3:50 - 6:30 • FIX BINDING TEST: 6:30 - 7:40 • OUTRO: 7:45 TO END • DOWNLOADE FIRMWARE HERE: • • ORIGINAL FORUM THAT HELPED ME: •


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