3XM4 NR7NR21NR74 Steel Inverleigh Australian Trains by Raysha1811

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3XM4 - Australian Trains by Raysha1811. Inverleigh, Victoria, Wednesday, 12 July at 2:49pm (1080p) • Pacific National steel service 3XM4 hauls a rake of 60 wagons through the beautiful township of Inverleigh in country Victoria. A regular Wednesday train, XM4 is today using a trio of PacNat locomotives in NR7(City of Brisbane)-NR21-NR74(Port Pirie) • • Please watch the video, leave a like, followed by a comment and I’ll get back to you when I can. About me: I like to film trains as often as I can. Most of what comes through my part of Victoria, Australia are freight and grain trains. They are predominately Standard Gauge and run on the main line between Melbourne, Victoria and Adelaide, South Australia. I do also get some trains occasionally along the old Broad Gauge line that runs between North Geelong and Ballarat. • I have over 1600 videos, a lot of which are in playlists. I have a variety of end screens that I use, so be sure to keep an eye out for them, as they often change. • If you are new here, please hit the like button and leave a comment to say g’day. I’d love for you to hit the subscribe button too, and if you do, don’t forget to click the bell so you can keep up with the latest release. If you are a returning friend that has subscribed previously, again, I thank you. • CFCLA = Chicago Freight Car Leasing Australia. • GWA = Genesee Wyoming Australia. • JBRE = Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions. • PacNat = Pacific National. • SBR = Specialised Bulk Rail. • SCT = Specialised Container Transport. • SSR = Southern Shorthaul Rail. • TGE = Team Global Express • BG = Broad Gauge (1600mm/5’ 3”) • DG = Dual Gauge. • SG = Standard Gauge (1435mm/4’ 8 1/2”) • Regards, Raysha1811 • #australiantrains #trains #railways #pacificnational #sct #ssr #jbre #qube #aurizon #tge #goldenplains #gheringhap #murgheboluc #inverleigh by #raysha1811


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